This Side Of Paradise

“I’m not sentimental-I’m as romantic as you are. The idea, you know, is that the sentimental person thinks things will last-the romantic person has a desperate confidence that they won’t.”
Continue reading “This Side Of Paradise”



And just like that I’m going to my first NFL game to see my favorite team. The Denver Broncos (yo ass shoulda knew that tho). Not only that, but it’s a weekend trip, a mini vacation, if you will. Me & Her. Can’t believe it. She did that. All on Her own. Amazing, She is.

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Continue reading “SURPRISE!”


I had a 4 day (unpaid 😦 ) weekend, so I took a sort of mini holiday (that’s vacation to ‘Mercia). I had a lovely thanksgiving (more like Lovesgiving). But it was really a phenominal 4 days. A sign of the future, in many ways. Something to strive for, work at, look forward to. Many sacrifices must be made. And I will make them. But the time, well, it was just perfect.

**i was gonna use Styles P “Holiday” but Madonna was much more appropriate for a number of reasons 😉



The same forces responsible for this beauty are the same forces responsible for yours.
When you smile?
You take my soul.
I’m nothing but yours.
Beauty isn’t just what you are.
It’s WHO you are
They say beauty only runs skin deep
Well that’s because they can only see the surface.
Beauty starts from the soul and works it’s way out
It doesn’t start from the outside to work it’s way inward
You are the physical manifestation of the beauty of the soul.
Your soul.
You connect the dots of the true holy trinity: the mind body & spirit.
Making each day brighter with your thoughts. Your smile. Your YOU
you cannot teach wisdom. You can only share it.
You give & share with us your all.
I am only grateful.

3rd Time’s The Charm

(Wrote this a while ago. Thought I’d finally let it breathe. BUT there will be a new edit of this. Who knows if you’ll ever get to read it.)

The 3rd time is the charm
I’m afraid I won’t get to check the validity of the statement.
I’m scared to find out if my time is even worth spending on finding the truth in the cliche.
I’m terrified that I’ll be torn to no end in seeking the accuracy of the idiom.
Most of all, I fear what will happen if I stand by and do nothing.
Chasing the dream.
Taking action
Forging reality into my own
The worst part is it’s not all in my hands
You weren’t ready.
Might still not be.
So I must walk the tightrope with no safety net.
Fate in my hands.
Risk my heart for the reward
Leap of faith?
More like
A leap of Love.

Just thinking…

I was really tired tonight. Early too. Told you good night. Then my mom called. Kinda random. Kinda pointless. Then I was up. I wanted to call you. I didn’t even have anything to say. I just wanted hear you. I mean, do we ever have anything to talk about? Now I’m laying here… thinking… Why don’t I just act?! I could be picking your brain. Throwing random ideas out. Listening to you(r) laugh. But I’m here. Just thinking. Would I have left a message if I got your voicemail? Definitely. What kind though? A quick one? Just a “hey”. Or maybe something more personal. Something meaningful. Definitely that. But nope. I’m just laying here. Thinking…. Thinking…. Why you?! Still! It’s like there has to be something more to all this. Are you still Pam? Or are you Clem? To me, you are both. You’re more one than the other, at times. But you’re always both. Just gotta find the balance. But I can’t do anything about that. I realized this. Finally. It’s YOU! You’re the reason for all this. I can stand up to you. And I can put my foot down. Or I can be submissive. None of it matters. It’s you that gets in the way of your own progress. You need to heal. I can support you but that’s all I can do… THINKING… THINKING! T H I N K I N G !

Here I go, again…

How did I get here again?
How’d I let my head sink back to THAT place?
All these hopes and ideas
Like I’m dreaming again
Gotta reprogram my mind.
Back to reality.
There you go, druw, thinking you’re somebody. Thinking you matter.
I know I’m someone. I know I matter.
I am the King.
And you?
You’re supposed to be the queen
And we shall rule with Love’s divinity.
There’s a place where dreams are reality.
I believe I’m in that place.
Now if only I could make my reality come to life; sooner than later
We will be golden.