So the HAWKS! are 2-2 with the Celtics! They could easily be 3-1, or win out the series. I hope they do. I’ve always said that J-Smoove not going top 10 in the draft some years back was ridiculous. Now look! He’s the all-around threat I predicted, with his passing, handle and shoot all vastly improving. JJ is turning into the superstar as well. These 2 should form a sick duo for years. Not mention the supporting cat with Marvin Williams and Josh Childress. They still need a long term point and a center, but Horford can do all the big man work for now.

Inspired by hugh at SOP.

a serious WTF!

‘Fuck the police that’s how I treat em, we buy our way outta jail but we can’t buy freedom.’

Ye was so right. And now Sean Bell’s death is once again in vien. RIP my brotha. This is the shit I’m talkin bout man. wtf! Emmett Till, Rodney King, now Sean Bell. There are much more but these are landmark. How much longer is this gonna happen? Forever is my guess. The 2nd biggest gang in America will always prevail. The police. The 1st is even worse, the gov’ment. People always be like ‘why u say Fuck the police‘ hhhmm I wonder. They take us out anyway they can. No uniforms and not identifying they self and only suspect that one person is holdin, but they dump 51 shells(31 by one officer wtf!!!) after 1 cat who aint do shit, or have shit. What a fuckin’ country we live in, where they get acquitted for that shit. And the mutha fuckin judge says the witnesses (2 who got hit with those shots) didn’t sound credible and make no sense. MF I outta knock some into u and those piggies via my own 51 shots! Fuck the police! That’s how I see em/ we buy our way outta jail but WE CAN’T BUY FREEDOM!

Drug dealer buy Jordans, crackhead buy crack And THE GOVERNMENT get paid off of all of that

I am the American dream/The rape of Africa/The undying machine/The overpriced medicine/The murderous regime/The tough guy’s front/And the one behind the scenes (lemme put you on game)

Stadium Status

So I went to GITD you bitches! Tuesday night was super awesome forever. No pix, those MF were not playin bout no flash photography. Anywho lets start the show . . .

Well Lupe Fiasco started the show, and showed a much improved performance than he used to give. The 2 hot chicks on his album were there, Nikki Jean and Sarah Green, along with a bunch of his other weed-carrying brethren. Anywho, his performance was very punk infused. Not mention that it seems EVERYONE now performs with live band backing them, I think its awesome. He was jumping up and down, somehow was lying on his back (no haux maux) at one point, and shouted the last chorus to Daydream like a rock song as well. Very good, impressive and exciting. A LOT of people didn’t know the words to songs that weren’t singles (as was the case the whole night but whatever, they all cant be me right? or can they?), a bit annoying but what can I do. His other piff pockter Matt Santos wasn’t as bad as people had been saying live.

Now on to N*E*R*D. This is the whole reason why I went (well its not, but I was most excited to see them). They kicked off with “Brain”. Again, no one knew any of there songs expect Lapdance, the cockriders and slore’s just wanted to see Pharrell. Again you all know Skateboard P so the show was very punk influenced. Oh, and Shay was on one mic and Chad on the keys (for those who care…*crickets*). The joint everyone went nuts to was Everybody Nose, awesome song, a club banger(from what I here) and hasn’t got any radio play (songs bout white bitches snortin coke in the bathroom, seriously there’s been worse). They said the CD will drop June 10th, I’ll believe it when its in my hands. Nobody “Spazzed” to the song, but me and the homie was jumpin up and down and shit (to the displeasure of our accompanying female counterparts). In the end Pharrell jumped off stage and ran around the venue, with his fat ass security laggin behind. NERD is better for smaller venues without assigned seating to rock out! Seriously

Bring on the Michael Jackson lookalike. Now I wasn’t excited to see Rihanna at all. But I figured she had a good show! Wrong, Wrong! ((c) Charlie Murphy). She really cant sing (no surprise) but when you don’t have overpowering vocals you need to perform well. She was worthless! So then you’d figure ok, this bitch is eyecandy for that ass. NOPE! She don’t have a fatty, her outfits were ugly as fuck, her dancing (if that’s wat you call it) sucked, it was a trainwreck. Still, worst of all, she straight looked like Michael Jackson. She was pale as fuck with a boyish haircut and red ass lipstick (*throws up in mouth*). It almost ruined the night.

Enter Mr. West. Now I’ve seen him before. If you went to the Touch the Sky tour you know it was about the music. A live band, a live string set for Christ’s sake. This time it was about the performance. Although he didn’t get the million dollar lighting system he wanted, it was servin. The lighting and weird fake planet stage was a great touch. The Graduation shit did play on the “stadium status” he wanted, and the other shit still went very hard[II]. His whole premise was being on a spaceship, and it breaking down landing on a planet and then powering up, with some performance in between, then going home. Not a bad idea, and the way he transitioned the songs was genius. Oh, and he had on the those custom Nike’s on, lucky ass. He broke down during Hey Mama, and idk if his “crying” was genuine or an act, but I tend to lean on real, cuz fuck his moms did pass not too long ago (in the “all falls down” type vein, wat a coincidence). All in all it was fucking GREAT. Not to mention I sat ultra close. *readys fifty laugh* HAHA!

**dont hate on the pic, i said we didnt have any pix at the concert, and we don’t have photoshop at work

Best of Both Worlds (no r. kelly)

Alright so we didn’t take very many pix at the concert (you know cuz we was enjoyin that shit)so here is what we got. Got a couple** joints Alex shot while this mf was driving! Then of course we got pix of the main event, and then some random tomfoolery***.

**this mf took a pic and didnt tell us shit
***last thing we saw before we left, pure hilariousness.