Recap: Friday night, just got paid


So, I was invited to accompany SoulfulJenn (pictured above)to the Donny Goines LA release party. one word ensued: FAIL!. We got to the joint, $20. Then she leads us upstairs to the wrong spot. Not so bad, cuz we get down stairs to see Donny perform. He does one song (the one song I hate) and says his set is over! WTF! The super asian crowd and non hiphop/super hollywood environment (The Highland Club) were the reason for the Uber short performance.

But I did run into the homie El Prez while there, We chopped it up and kicked it. And we got to kick it with Donny Goines for a cool minute. He is definitely one of the coolest dudes EVER. And in between kickin it me and Jen danced. Sorta. LMAO. Ended up being a cool night, but filled with failures!